Do I need medical insurance to become a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserMay 3, 2022surrogacy, surrogate, procedures, involved, medical screening, pass, fail, screen, medicine, health, safety, grow, healthy, baby, pregnancy, history
Are my eggs used to create the child I'll carry? Ask an expert!Guest UserApril 28, 2022surrogacy, surrogate, procedures, involved, medical screening, pass, fail, screen, medicine, health, safety, grow, healthy, baby, pregnancy, history
What procedures are involved in the medical screening process? Ask an expert!Guest UserApril 26, 2022surrogacy, surrogate, procedures, involved, medical screening, pass, fail, screen, medicine, health, safety, grow, healthy, baby, pregnancy, history
Why are there so many surrogacy requirements? Ask an expert!Guest UserFebruary 24, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, requirements, pregnancy, birth, labor, delivery, doctor, medicine, hospital, BMI, age, weight, health, history
What Does Egg Donation Do to My Body? Industry NewsGuest UserJanuary 25, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, intended parents, parent, baby, egg donation, egg, donate, donation, body, medications, hurt, pain, procedure, doctor, clinic, fertility, history, fertility clinic, health