How do I know if my intended parents can afford surrogacy? Ask an expert!Guest UserJuly 5, 2022Surrogacy, surrogate, parents, intended parents, know. Info, afford, money, cost, pay, escrow, fees, medical bills
Does surrogacy cost me anything? Ask an expert!Guest UserJuly 27, 2021Surrogacy, money, cost, intended parents, surrogate, contract, escrow, medical bills, travel, medicine, medication, doctor, office, bills, pay, debt, compensation, income
Omega Insurance Surrogacy Scandal Surpasses $6M In Claims Above The LawGuest UserJune 24, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, law, court, judge, lawyer, attorney, intended parents, millions, omega, insurance, omega insurance, victims, insured, scandal, scam, pregnancy care, pregnancy, birth, hospital, money, bill, medical bills
How Being an Egg Donor Impacted my Kids LGBTQGuest UserMay 18, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, pregnancy, pregnant, Omega, insurance, liquidator, picture, intended parents, medical bills, medicine, bills, pay, payment
When the baby is born does the surrogate breastfeed at all or is the baby bottle fed after birth? Ask an expert!Guest UserApril 8, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, pregnancy, pregnant, Omega, insurance, liquidator, picture, intended parents, medical bills, medicine, bills, pay, payment
Omega ‘PregnancyCare’ Surrogacy Insurance Scandal Moves Offshore, And The Outlook For Victims Is Grim Above The LawGuest UserApril 1, 2021Surrogacy, surrogate, pregnancy, pregnant, Omega, insurance, liquidator, picture, intended parents, medical bills, medicine, bills, pay, payment