How Expensive Will Colorado Sperm Be, Come 2025? Above The LawJanelle DoddMay 9, 2024bright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, LGBTQ, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, reproductive material, gametes, embryo, sperm, egg, intended parents, lawsuit, Above The Law, Above The Law article, Ellen Trachman, donate embryo, embryo donation, egg donor, gamete donor, sperm donor, embryo donor, egg donation, gamete donation, sperm donation, attorney, Colorado, Colorado governor, Governor Jared Polis, CDPHE, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Wild West, DNA test, U.S. Donor Conceived Council, Colorado State Board of Health, ethical surrogacy, ethical gamete donation, known donor, unknown donor, anonymous donor, donor anonymity, donor regulation, gamete regulation, surrogacy agency, surrogacy agencies, gestational surrogate, gestational surrogacy, surrogacy legislation, sperm bank, matching agency, fertility clinic, Nathalie Gamble
Colorado Donor-Conceived Person Protection Law Opens Public Comments On Proposed Rules Above The LawJanelle DoddOctober 31, 2023bright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, LGBTQ, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, surrogacy law, surrogacy legislation, reproductive material, gametes, embryo, sperm, egg, gestational surrogacy, traditional surrogacy, intended parents, international parents, international surrogacy, gestational surrogate, United States, fertility clinic, fertility clinics, United States surrogacy, surrogacy in the United States, ASRM, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, IVF, in vitro fertilization, genetic, genetic relation, lawsuit, genetically related parents, genetically related child, DNA, frozen embryo, frozen embryos, IVF treatment, counterfeit IVF treatment, adoption, IWTPABIY, I Want to Put a Baby in You, I Want To Put A Baby In You podcast, birth certificate, parents on birth certificate, intended parents names on birth certificate, parents names on birth certificate, family law, family attorney, family court, US Supreme Court. United States Supreme Court, Congress, Supreme Court, United States Congress, US Congress, U.S. Congress, U.S. Supreme Court, Colorado, Colorado Donor-Conceived Person Protection Law, donor, donor-conceived, donor conceived donor conceived person, donor-conceived persons, public comments, public comment, written comment, written comments, Zoom, Zoom session, Zoom sessions, legislative process, reproductive law, CDPHE, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, proposed rules, donor anonymity, anonymous donor, gamete donor, sperm donor, egg donor, embryo donor, donation, embryo donation, egg donation, sperm donation, gamete donation, single donor, serial donor, egg retrieval, gamete bank, gamete banks, gamete agency, gamete agencies, sperm bank, sperm banks, anonymous donation, donor identification, donor identity, identification, identity disclosure, medical history, donating gametes, donor limitation, donor regulation
Jaw-Dropping Lawsuit Filed Against Dutch Serial Sperm Donor Above The LawJanelle DoddApril 6, 2023bright futures families, Bright Futures Families, conceiving bright futures, assisted reproductive technology, ART, infertility, fertility, attorney, lawsuit, sperm, SpermDonor, Sperm, spermdonor, spermdoctor, sperm donor, sperm kings, sperm bank, Sperm Bank, sperm donation, sperm donation contract, donor, donor-doctor, donorconceived, donor-conceived, donor conceived, Donor-conceived, DonorAnonymity, donor anonymity, donor criteria, donor eligibility, donors, donor sperm, doctor-donor, fertility clinic, fertility law, fertility lawsuit, fertility clinics, Fertility Clinics, serial sperm donor, serial sperm donation, mass donor, mass sperm donation, mass sperm donor, anonymous sperm donation, sperm king, sperm banks, Jonathan Jacob Meijer, genetics, genetic, genetic relation, incest, inbreeding, Dutch, Dutch Ministry of Health, One Wish, Jody Madeira, Professor Jody Madeira
Oklahoma Court Grants Parental Rights To Sperm Donor; Removes Second Mom From Birth Certificate Above The LawJanelle DoddFebruary 23, 2023bright futures families, Bright Futures Families, conceiving bright futures, assisted reproductive technology, Assisted Reproductive Technology, ART, infertility, fertility, attorney, sperm, SpermDonor, Sperm, spermdonor, sperm donor, sperm donation, sperm donation contract, sperm donor parental rights, sperm donor contracts, anonymous sperm donation, known sperm donor agreement, same-sex parents, same-sex, second-parent adoption, second parent, adoption, adoption law, adoption laws, parental rights, parentage, legal parent, legal parents, parenthood, Rebekah Wilson, Kris Williams, US Donor Conceived Council, anonymous donation, anonymous donor, anonymity, anonymous, anonymous gamete donation, donor anonymity, DonorAnonymity, Noel Tucker, Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, Idaho, Idaho Supreme Court, Colorado, Connecting Rainbows, Genavieve Jaffe, Gena Jaffe, sexual orientation discrimination, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, lgbtq, lgbt parenthood, lgbt parenting, lgbtq family building, family building lgbtq, lgbt families, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQIA, family, family law, family court, birth certificate, birth certificates, parent names on birth certificate, amended birth certificate, genetic, genetics, non-genetically related parents
Historic Meeting Ushers In New Era In US Donor Conception Above The LawJanelle DoddNovember 3, 2022Bright Futures Families, assisted reproductive technology, Assisted Reproductive Technology, ART, infertility, donor, donors, donor sperm, donor egg, donor embryo, donor eggs, donor embryos, anonymous, anonymous donor, DonorAnonymity, donor anonymity, Donor-Conceived Persons and Families of Donor-Conceived Persons Protection Act, U.S. Donor Conceived Council, California Cryobank, Donor Egg Bank USA, Fairfax Cryobank, Fairfax Eggbank, RESOLVE, Donor Conceived Australia, anonymity, donor conceived person, donor-conceived, donor conceived, Donor-conceived, donor identity, donor identity disclosure, donor eligibility, donor criteria, embryo, embryos, gamete, gametes, agency, attorney, law, Colorado Law, Colorado law, DNA, DNA Kit, DNA test, agencyattorney, HomeDNAtest, home DNA test, LGBTQ+, LGBTQ
New York Proposes Donor-Conceived Person Protection Act Above The LawJanelle DoddJanuary 13, 2022embryo, assisted reproductive technology, ART, IVF, in vitro fertilization, anonymous, anonymous donor, donor conceived, donor conceived child, donor conceived person, egg, eggs, egg donation, sperm, sperm donor, sperm donation, egg donor, embryos, embryo donation, New York, donor anonymity, DonorAnonymity