Posts tagged sperm donation
The difference between egg donation and gestational surrogacy
My partner and I both want to have a genetic relationship to our children - any advice?
A Glossary of Terms for a Surrogacy Journey
Learn About Surrogacy Through Podcasts
How Expensive Will Colorado Sperm Be, Come 2025?
Is The Surrogacy Broker Really The Bad Guy?
The 1980s Called. They Want Their Bigotry Back.
Denmark Passes New Pro-Surrogacy Regulations
Access To Family Building Bill Looks To Federally Protect IVF
Pennsylvania Appellate Court Issues Important Win For Parents Using Assisted Reproduction
Oregon Supreme Court Rules On Messy Multimillionaire Heir, Egg Donor Case
Above The LawJanelle Doddbright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, LGBTQ, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, reproductive material, gametes, embryo, sperm, egg, intended parents, lawsuit, Above The Law, Above The Law article, Ellen Trachman, traditional surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, Omega, insurance, insurance for surrogacy, surrogacy insurance, surrogacy insurance scandal, insurance company, insurance companies, surrogacy journey, insurance for surrogacy journey, insurance premium, insurance premiums, insurance coverage, insurance scandal, PregnancyCare, Omega Family Services, LyfGro Insurance Solutions, Prime Insurance Solutions, DBA, doing business as, company name, company names, business name, business names, business name change, bankrupt, bankruptcy, agency, insurance agency, surrogacy agency, liquidation, Omega Insurance Company SP, Performance Insurance Company SPC, Cayman Islands, joint official liquidators, JOL, State of Oregon, Oregon, Department of Consumer and Business Services, Division of Financial Regulation, Robert Y. Park, Robert Y Park, Robert Park, AXA, State National, Oregon State Law, Lisa Stark Hughes, SEEDS, Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy, ART Risk, ART Risk Financial & Insurance Solutions, SurroPlans, Oregon Supreme Court, Oregon Court of Appeals, court of appeals, heir, multimillionaire, egg donor, egg donation, gamete, gamete donation, sperm donor, sperm donation, attorney, legal dispute, Jordan Schnitzer, philanthropist, Cory Sause, contract, legal contract, agreement, written contract, written agreement, Nudelman, Nudelman agreement, consent, designation of embryos, custody, custody dispute, custodial rights, disposition of embryos, offspring, parallel language, Lehr v. Robertson, Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, The Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, AAAA, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, ASRM, RESOLVE: the National Infertility Association, Robin Pope
Colorado Donor-Conceived Person Protection Law Opens Public Comments On Proposed Rules
Above The LawJanelle Doddbright futures families, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, ART, infertility, fertility, surrogacy, LGBTQ, surrogate, surrogacy arrangement, surrogacy law, surrogacy legislation, reproductive material, gametes, embryo, sperm, egg, gestational surrogacy, traditional surrogacy, intended parents, international parents, international surrogacy, gestational surrogate, United States, fertility clinic, fertility clinics, United States surrogacy, surrogacy in the United States, ASRM, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, IVF, in vitro fertilization, genetic, genetic relation, lawsuit, genetically related parents, genetically related child, DNA, frozen embryo, frozen embryos, IVF treatment, counterfeit IVF treatment, adoption, IWTPABIY, I Want to Put a Baby in You, I Want To Put A Baby In You podcast, birth certificate, parents on birth certificate, intended parents names on birth certificate, parents names on birth certificate, family law, family attorney, family court, US Supreme Court. United States Supreme Court, Congress, Supreme Court, United States Congress, US Congress, U.S. Congress, U.S. Supreme Court, Colorado, Colorado Donor-Conceived Person Protection Law, donor, donor-conceived, donor conceived donor conceived person, donor-conceived persons, public comments, public comment, written comment, written comments, Zoom, Zoom session, Zoom sessions, legislative process, reproductive law, CDPHE, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, proposed rules, donor anonymity, anonymous donor, gamete donor, sperm donor, egg donor, embryo donor, donation, embryo donation, egg donation, sperm donation, gamete donation, single donor, serial donor, egg retrieval, gamete bank, gamete banks, gamete agency, gamete agencies, sperm bank, sperm banks, anonymous donation, donor identification, donor identity, identification, identity disclosure, medical history, donating gametes, donor limitation, donor regulation
Jaw-Dropping Lawsuit Filed Against Dutch Serial Sperm Donor
A Connecticut Court Just Dismissed A Case Against A Doctor Who Secretly Inseminated His Patients With His Own Sperm
Oklahoma Court Grants Parental Rights To Sperm Donor; Removes Second Mom From Birth Certificate
US Legislators Introduce Bill To Protect IVF Throughout The Country
Should 'Social Surrogacy' Be Permitted?
Attorney LGBTQ+ Advocacy Leads To New California Law